Conservation Society


Conservation Futures Scholarship Program


The Conservation Future Scholarship was created by the Washington Conservation Society (WCS) in 2020. WCS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting natural resource conservation efforts in Washington State by providing a philanthropic center for investments in citizen-led, voluntary-based conservation projects, activities, education, and outreach efforts.

Conservation Future Scholarship Considerations

Annually, the Washington Conservation Society will award one scholarship in the amount of up to $1,000. The annual scholarship is subject to the availability of funds. This scholarship is not available to relatives of the WCS Conservation Future Scholarship Selection Committee.
This merit-based scholarship supports college students (entering and current) with a demonstrated commitment to natural resources conservation through their coursework and/or community involvement.

Eligibility requirements:

  • The applicant must be a resident of Washington State at the time of application.
  • The applicant must be:
    • A full-time high school senior; or
    • Entering their freshman year of college; or
    • A returning college student. 

If the applicant is enrolled in college, preference will be given to applicants who are enrolled in an accredited college or university in Washington State. Note: There is no age requirement or maximum age cap for applicants.

  • Applicants must demonstrate an interest in:
    • Conservation and the environment; and
    • Planned employment in the broad field of natural resources.

Scholarship Application Process

Applicants must submit an application packet comprised of:

  • Completed application form.
  • Essay of 500 to 1000 words telling the Society about your interest in conservation. Preference will be given to applicants who can describe in detail an example of a conservation-related activity or service project in which you were involved.
  • References. Please include two reference letters with your application.  These letters should be from people who know you through your academic or employment experience, or your community leadership and participation.  Relatives shall not be accepted as references.
  • Transcript. Your full transcript from the school you are currently attending can be included with your application, or e-mailed directly to Washington Conservation Society at 


Applications will be accepted annually from January 1 through May 31. Send the fully completed application packet to:

Washington Conservation Society 

Selection Process

The WCS shall appoint annually a Conservation Future Scholarship Selection Committee.
The Selection Committee will be provided annually a copy of all application packets.
The Selection Committee will meet in person or by phone to review, rank and select one student to recommend to the WCS for that year’s scholarship award. At the discretion of the Selection Committee, a personal interview, in person or by phone, may be conducted.
At the summer meeting of the WCS, the WCS board shall consider the recommendation from the Selection Committee.
As soon as possible after WCS board action, the scholarship recipient shall be notified by letter. Applicants not selected shall be notified as well.


Payment of the scholarship award will be made directly to the institution in the recipient’s name.
Payment will be submitted following receipt of verification of enrollment.