Our membership is made up of current and past conservation district supervisors or associate supervisors; employees of conservation districts; members and staff of partner organizations and agencies; spouses and other immediate family members of supervisors or associate supervisors who have passed away.  Conservation Districts and partner organizations or agencies, as a single entity, are also eligible for membership.

The WCS is overseen by a board made up of its members.  The WCS Board meets throughout the year, including at the WACD Annual Meeting.  They develop the priorities and projects and the overall direction of the WCS, devise recruitment activities, and manage the financial budget.


The Washington Conservation Society was formed on October 26, 2007 and is a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  

Why become a Member?

Spokane County

Who We Are

Conservation Society

Protecting and enhancing Washington's natural resources for present and future generations is the heart of sound conservation and the focal point of the WCS.

2024 WCS Officers

President ~ Larry Davis (Whatcom CD)
Vice President ~ Doug Rushton (Thurston CD)
Secretary – Treasurer ~ Heather Wendt (WACD)

2024 Directors

North Central ~ John McLean (Foster Creek CD)
Northeast ~ Hilary Sepulveda (Spokane CD)
Northwest ~ Larry Davis (Whatcom CD)
South Central ~ Heather Wendt (WACD)
Southeast ~ Jerry Hendrickson (Asotin CD)

Southwest ~ Doug Rushton​ (Thurston CD)